A black and white photo of the young members of No Fixed Address walking along a street

No Fixed Address Lane

No Fixed Address is an Aboriginal Australian reggae rock group formed in 1979, and the first reggae rock group in Australia. They were also the first Aboriginal band to tour overseas and, in 2011, were inducted in the National Indigenous Music Awards Hall of Fame.

No Fixed Address was led by Bart Willoughby together with Ricky Harrison, Les Graham, and John Miller; and former members Nicky Moffatt and Rick Lovegrove (deceased). They all met and formed at the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music (CASM) at the University of Adelaide. Their 1982 album ‘From My Eyes’ was launched by the former Prime Minister, Bob Hawke.

On 25 March 2021, the laneway formally known as Lindes Lane was officially renamed No Fixed Address Lane in honour of the band and their contribution to music, politics and culture. It is a central, easily accessible place to celebrate Aboriginal living culture.

Wander the length of the laneway to take in the art mural depicting the band in their youth painted by artists Elizabeth Yanyi Close, Shane Mankitya Cook and Thomas Readett, which also features contemporary representations of the band's heritage, history and impact on the community and music scene.

No Fixed Address Lane is part of Adelaide's City of Music Laneways project, which honours the city's greatest musicians in a trail for fans and tourists across the CBD, paying homage to the acts' roots and impact.

The first street statue erected in the city on North Terrace is actually a copy of a famous neoclassical work. Based on Italian sculptor Antonio Canova’s ‘Venus’, it was chiselled from Carrara marble by Fraser & Draysey, and presented by Mr W A Horn to Mayor F W Bullock on 3 September 1892.

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