Martha Landman is the principal of Adelaide CBD Psychology. She has a Doctor of Philosophy, Masters of Mental Health and Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), complemented with more than 40 years’ practical experience, providing counselling support to clients. Specialising in helping individual clients (age 18 and above) heal from trauma or the impact of severe life events, Martha has training and expertise in a range of modalities and will select the best treatment to suit each individual.
Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio
Specialty Health Providers
Level 3/55 Gawler Place
Adelaide SA 5000 - 8211 8855
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Applied Care
Applied Care
Specialty Health Providers
Education + Training
50 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Country Health Connect
Specialty Health Providers
22 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000 - 1800 944 912
- Visit Website
Audika Australia
Specialty Health Providers
195 North Terrace
Adelaide SA 5000 - (08) 8223 2462
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