Curry Choice

Hello spice lovers! Adelaide Central Plaza welcomes Curry Choice to Dine Central. Curry Choice offers high quality Indian cuisine personally handcrafted with a unique blend of spices and locally sourced produce that will be sure to tantalise your taste buds!

Fast Food Food Courts Located in Renaissance Arcade
21 Pulteney Street
Adelaide SA 5000
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Bakeries Cafes Coffee Fast Food Food Courts Located in City Cross
32 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000
1300 300 032
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Bakeries Cafes Coffee Fast Food Food Courts Located in City Cross
32 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000
(08) 8212 2772
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Cafes Coffee Eatery Located in Rundle Mall Plaza
50 Rundle Mall
Adelaide SA 5000
(08) 8212 3592