Blow It’s A Hair Thing is the most prominent salon in South Australia in terms of industry contribution, industry immersion and industry activity. But what you may not immediately gather is why that is. Herein lies our point of difference. Blow is not just a culture, or a brand, Blow is a passion. Our successes are bred from the fact every team member at Blow doesn’t arrive to work in the mornings, we arrive to life. Our stylists, colourists and directors live and breathe hair. Studying sub-cultural trends, latest modes, runway, fashion and skills are not a chore, they are the best part of the day.
Retro Hair and Beauty
Retro Hair and Beauty
Beauty Therapy
Hair Salons
Hair Products
46 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000 - (08) 8410 1744
ANTONS Unique Hair

Shop 105 Balcony Level
Adelaide Arcade
Adelaide SA 5000 - (08) 8232 1177
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