A Rare Notion

A Rare Notion is a retailer of unique and hard to find sewing supplies as well as an eclectic mix of women's and men's vintage clothing, jewellery, gifts and homewares. Venture upstairs in Adelaide Arcade to find quirky items from local designers, vintage oddities and sewing, lingerie and costume making materials.

Shop 35, 128 Rundle Mall
Adelaide SA 5000
  (08) 82236299
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Fashion Formal + Bridal
30 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000
(08) 8211 7170
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101-107 Rundle Mall
Adelaide SA 5000
(08) 8224 0800
Fabric, Art + Craft Home + Leisure Located in Myer Centre Adelaide
14-38 Rundle Mall
Adelaide SA 5000
(08) 7226 0903
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